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NOTE:  DVDs have a limit of two renewals.
All other items have a limit of ten renewals.


RENEWALS BY PHONE:  Items may be renewed by phone, provided the items are not on reserve and/or the renewal limit has not been reached.  You must have your barcode number handy, as library staff will ask for it.  If the items were checked out on another family member's card, you must have that barcode number handy.  Renewals cannot be done without the library card barcode number on which the items were checked out.


 RENEWALS ON LINE:  Items may be renewed on line, provided they are not on reserve and/or the renewal limit has not been reached.  You must have a PIN number to renew on line.  Montvale Library staff members will be happy to show you how to renew items on line. 

NOTE WELL:  If the on line renewal fails for any reason, you will still be responsible for any overdue fines incurred. 


RENEWALS IN PERSON:  Items may be renewed in person, provided they are not on reserve and/or the renewal limit has not been reached.  You must bring your library card or the card on which the items were checked out.

IMPORTANT:  Items borrowed through JerseyCat may be renewed by the Reference/Technology Librarian ONLY.  At the discretion of the owning library, items may or may not be renewed


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please let us know so we can begin the process of correcting it.
Thank you

© 2019 by Montvale Public Library. 

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