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Work towards Expansion: 1991 to Present

At 1:00p.m. on Monday, October 20, 1975, the doors of School No. 2 were unlocked, and the building officially became The Montvale Free Public Library.

Twenty-eight years later, at 9:00p.m. on Monday, October 20, 2003, these same doors were locked for the last time as the Library moved to its new home in the Borough of Montvale's municipal complex.

HOME    The Montvale Free Public Library 
  Work towards Expansion: 1991 to Present    

3/91  Financial Report 1991 from Director to Board included the status 
      of the current Library and   future plans including expansion.  
      The recommendation included a borough space needs report, review
      & survey of staff needs and requirements, review of Library use 
      and that in 1992 an architect be hired to develop plans and cost 
      estimates for expansion.
2/92  Wish list for Library developed & plans established to do a 
      Mission statement and a Five-year plan.
4/92  Goals and objectives for expansion set.
5/92  Review results of survey of staff, town & board.
6/92  Review objectives.
9/92  Draft of Five-year Plan adopted.
10/92 Expansion plan objectives accepted. 
      Borough space needs study put on hold.
      Board decides to have a space needs study done.
11/92 Background work for Library space needs.
12/92 Set up plans to interview potential candidates to carry 
      out space needs study.
1/93  Interviewed consultants. Selected Jim Hecht.
2/93  Meet with Jim Hecht and finalize planning process.
3/93  First draft of space needs survey presented.
4/93  Discuss final version of space needs study.
5/93  Space needs assessment report distributed.
6/93  Decision made to review space needs study with Council.
      Council liaison advises that Borough will conduct a space
      needs survey and include the Library.
9/93  Space needs video begun.
10/93 Finalize script for video & plan for presentation to Council.
11/93- 3/94 Video completed.
4/94  Receive letter advising of bequest.
5/94  Present space needs survey results and video of space needs
      survey to Mayor & Council.
6/94  Discussion of presentation. Council liaison advises that the 
      Mayor & Council will be "back to us in Sept. with their comments.
9/94  Waiting to hear from Mayor & Council regarding their comments
      on Library needs & status of Borough's space needs survey.
10/94 Council liaison advises that Library's presentation & needs 
      will be discussed at the Nov 10th Council meeting.
11/94 Town and Library's space need studies concur. More space is needed.
      Board decides that Library needs a written building program.
12/94 Date set for architect's presentations.
1/95  Four architects interviewed: Faridy, Thorne Fraytak; Galliher, 
      Baier & Best; Dennis Kowal; & Arcari Iovino.
2/95  Discuss newsletter mailing outlining Board's long range plans
      including possibility of Memorial Drive site for new Library.
      Final architects' presentations - Aybar Assoc. (Derek Meyer was
      also contacted but, after much thought, declined).  Special 
      Board meeting date set & advertised for March to review 
      architect's presentations.
3/95  Special Meeting
      Narrowed choice to two architects. Determined to visit
      libraries and see their work.
3/95  Visited libraries.
3/95  Selected Galliher, Baier & Best. 
      Arcari Iovino advised they would be available for use as
      Clerk of Works.
4/95  Council liaison advises due to grants from Green Acres the 
      use of the total area of Memorial Drive site may not be possible.
5/95  Formal resolution to hire architect (required for publication in 
      local newspaper). Council liaison volunteers to discuss with 
      Mayor the use of current Library for Police Dept. and Memorial
      Drive site for Library. Special Board meeting date set for July.
6/95  Discussed site options, rescheduled & set up advertising for 
      special meeting for August.
8/95  In-depth discussion of pros & cons including brainstorming on: 
      New building, expansion of current Library, Bi-Borough Library,
      alternative sites.
9/95  Prepared for October meeting with Mayor & Council.
10/95 Mayor & Council attended meeting to discuss Library's long range
      plans and the rumors of interest in a Bi-Borough Library.
11/95 Council liaison advises that determination of possibility of
      using Memorial Drive for a new Library will be delayed until March.
12/95 Bi-Borough idea dead.
      Director requested to obtain draft of building program and
      invite architect to January meeting.
1/96  Discuss building program with architect.
2/96  Accept building program.
3/96  Bequest money received.
      Green Acres concerns still open.
4/96  Waiting to hear from Green Acres
5/96  Council liaison advised that Green Acres would be visiting
      in June or July.
6/96  Board determines to limit any plans for new Library to Lucia
      property only (avoiding possible conflict with Green Acres).
9/96  Board reviewed site concepts; architect advised that building
      must be two storied.
10/96 Board committed to topographic survey.
11/96 Board reviewed preliminary drawings and site layouts.
12/96 Topographical survey completed.
1/97  Decided to invite architect to Feb. meeting.
2/97  Meet with architect, preliminary sketches to begin.
3/97  Director reported on meeting architect held with Director
      & Library staff.
4/97  Determined to set up first meeting of Friends of the Library
      in October
5/97  Design of new library still being reviewed.
6/97  Presentation by a fund raising counsel.
      Discussion of most recent architectural sketches and layouts.
      Council liaison advised that Police Dept expansion would be
      in current Borough Hall building.
7/97  Preliminary inside and outside designs approved.
      Council liaison to advise when Library Board can meet with
      Planning Board representative for an informal presentation.
9/97  Presentations by another fund raising counsel.
      Discussion of presentation (9/16) to Planning Board (not informal)
      which included these concerns: Parking, Traffic, Safety.
10/97 Discussion of public concerns voiced at initial Friends meeting.
      Started discussions about adding to existing building.
11/97 Council liaison advises we cannot have Memorial Drive site and 
      that MAL has no objection if Library expansion uses under-sized
      ball field on current site.
12/97 Director reported that Borough Administrator, Helene Fall advised
      that there are no plans to move Borough records from their 
      current storage place in the library basement but that there are
      plans for a police fitness room in the Borough Hall addition. It 
      was reported that Mayor & Council would support the library's 
      using the current site.
      The current usable square footage of the library is 6,240 (net).
      The amount of square footage needed, based on the projected 
      population growth: borough's projections is 10,689 (net); 
      county's projection 9,861 (net). Population estimate - borough
      8,625; county 9,894. (1990 census population 6,946.)
      The board agreed to have a structural & environmental study done
      of the current building to determine if it is sound to remodel,
      expand or if the site would require a completely new building.
1/98  Reviewed engineering proposal & agreed to accept Azzolina & 
      Feury Engineering Co. bid.  This history of library's expansion
      work presented.  Borough liaison requested board look a Jim 
      Hecht's space need study (before the next meeting it was agreed
      that it was in order).
2/98  Advised that Azzolina & Feury's bid did not include fees for 
      the hazardous material survey.  Requested Director to verify that
      Christopher Statile quote did include & if so, award contract.
3/98  Library Director to provide previous building studies or drawings
      to engineering firm of Chris Statile as requested prior to his
      beginning the current surveys and studies.
      Board approved expansion history timetable, which will be updated
      every six months.

4/98  Library Director requested to expedite completion of Engineering
      Studies. Board discussed potential options and cost factors. 
      Engineering study to be circulated to board members as well as 
      to a borough resident volunteer with engineering/building background.

5/98  Engineering Study received; the study is missing the lead testing 
      reports. Completed report will be expedited by Director & 
      distributed prior to next meeting.

6/98  Authorized giving Engineering Study to architect with copy on file
      in library for public review. Topography study requested for 
      completion by 7/15. 
      Architect to be requested to consider: Is the building worth 
      renovating & expanding?  How much of the current building can be 
      used? What will it take to make the first and second floors usable?
      He will be requested to do a joint study (renovation/expansion 
      & just renovation).
      The Board noted the Board of Education's building program 
      discussions and their effect on the Library. 
      A special meeting was scheduled for July.

7/98  Engineering studies discussions including input from borough
      resident consultant.  Concerns for second floor use noted, as well
      as use of the "newer" portion of the current building. Approved
      proceeding with architect's combined proposal for renovation and 
      addition/renovation study and authorized payment of $1000.00 to 
      begin work.  Architect will to start work in August. 

9/98  The awarding of the contract to Galliher Baier and Best was 
      published in the paper & the board passed the resolution regarding
      the awarding. The architects are inputting the existing condition 
      of the library building into the computer and hope to have some 
      preliminary sketches within 2 weeks.
      Some members of the Historic Preservation Commission met informally 
      with the architect and Library Board members. Commission recommended 
      that the original (front) 1908 part of the building is of more 
      interest & suggested that the back portion could be structurally 
      changed in order not to lose details of the front portion.
      The Historic Preservation Commission is considering making the 
      library a historical building.  The Library Board listed concerns 
      about the designation including the need to have the Commission's 
      approval & the time to get it, as well as what the benefits were to 
      the designation & the possible need for extra permits. 
10/98 The Director and the architect reviewed preliminary designs prior 
      to the meeting.
      Members of the Library Board attended the Historic Preservation 
      Commission meeting on October 1st to express their concerns 
      regarding the historic designation. 

10/98 Special Meeting with the C. Statile who did the Engineering Studies
      which indicated concerns about the floor loading on the current
      building. (There were no records indicating that floor-loading 
      studies had been done when the school building was converted to a 
      library.  Libraries today have stricter codes).  The Engineer advised
      that if the front stack areas were shored up, they should provide 
      support.  The board agreed to pursue additional testing for the back
      areas so the upstairs rooms could continue to be used for small group

11/98 Reviewed sketches of proposed building. Requested adjustment of
      increased parking spaces. Reviewed plan based on building program
      —including square footage—and taking into account that the need for
      renovation and need for "lighter" use on some parts of the old
      building could increase the square footage. Director prepared 
      questions for submission to the architect.

12/98 Revised plans reviewed. Concerns about the need for variances due 
      to parking areas, access drives, side yard close to property lines
      and traffic flow were discussed.  Board decided to request an 
      informal review with Mayor Metlitz and John DePinto (chairman of the
      Planning Board).  It was agreed to do a worksheet comparing the 
      net assignable square feet vs. the total square feet. 
      Work is proceeding on getting ready to joist up the first floor 
      as recommended in the engineer's survey.

1/99  Reviewed building plans including first floor, second floor &
      basement; elevations from all 4 directions; grading plan; & site
      layout plan.  Concern was expressed regarding saving the oak trees
      during construction. The board felt the plan successfully blended 
      the old with the new addition.
      Report from the Council Liaison advised that the town hoped to 
      build a ball field this year on the Lucia Property. 

2/99  Historic Preservation Liaison advised that the commission felt 
      the addition was acceptable.  
      Board made a motion to pay the architect 75% of fees in accordance
      with contract completions. 
      Board set date of March 1st, to meet with Mayor Metlitz & John 
      Discussion, including where would the library go while construction
      is in progress.
      A comparison of library square feet vs. building program was 
      distributed.  It included extra storage for the children's programs,
      which was not in the building program.
      A landscaper examined the existing oak trees & advised that extra
      feeding should be done 6 months prior to nurse them through the
      constructions.  One tree will need to come down as it is rotting
      at the bottom.
      The board commended the Road Dept for their excellent job on the
      shoring up project.

3/99  Board discussed inside building layouts & asked if the architect
      could rearrange some space.  Board requested a meeting be set up 
      with the Site Plan Review Committee to review the changes suggested
      by Mayor Metlitz & John DePinto.  Plans for drainage & lighting
      would be done at a later date.
      A meeting, to be chaired by Tom Bonnell, was set up for 3/31 to 
      discuss a fund-raising program plan.

4/99 To investigate the effects of the new building on the current library 
     budget & to review renovation processes, it was decided to meet with 
     the Westwood library director who has recently gone through a library
     expansion. The board agreed to invite the architect to the May 
     meeting. A date of May 4th was set to review the plans with the 
     Montvale Planning Board's Site Plan Review Committee.

5/99 Discussion with architects Ken Best and Petina Killiany of Galliher
     Baier and Best.  Some of the items discussed were:
     Presentation to the public by computer video with a model ($2000)
      or a cardboard model ($1000).
     Rechecking location of trees that do not appear to be where they
      should be when measured by board member.
     Cost to install security gates at 2nd access route ($20,000 to 
     Changes on the lower level to meeting room, platform & screening room
      for seniors.
     The fact that PCs would be relatively easy to install at any location.
     The fact that the cost of breakers for controlling the main lighting
      is cheaper than a wall power panel.
     Just renovation would keep the current entrance & ramp, circulation
      desk, new materials, AV, reference & YA.  The 2nd floor & front 
      stairwell would have to be removed & rebuilt because they do not 
      meet the code.  The 2nd floor would have the children's room, craft  
      & story hour room and adult materials.
     The board asked about the size of the collection for the renovation 
     only. The architect later advised that for book volumes only, the
     Addition/Renovation scheme allows for approximately 57,424 volumes,
     renovation-only allows for approximately 29,241 book volumes.

     Preliminary renovation & renovation/addition costs were distributed 
     to the board members.
     A picture of the old cupola & original windows will be used to 
     finalize the outside. The architect recommended replacing all the  
     windows to keep the historic preservation.
     Opinions on fundraising were sought with the recommendation that
     professionals should be hired.

     After the architects left, the board agreed to review the contract to 
     be sure everything is complete & if so, authorize the final payment
     Also discussed was getting the topographical survey from Statile 
     redone to get the trees in the right places.
     Tom Bonnell provided a capital campaign planning overview & homework 
     for the board.

6/99 Director advised that the architects have the site plan done and 
     colored. They are reviewing the revised topographical survey to get 
     the trees in the right place. The board requested estimated costs 
     for utilities. The board asked if the gas & electric lines are 
     included in the topographical survey (they were not).  Board 
     authorized payment of balance to architect ($2625).  The board 
     decided to get ready a formal presentation to Mayor & Council at 
     an informal meeting prior to Back to School Night so then at Back 
     to School Night the board could present the plans to the public.

7/99 Final sketches due 7/16. A special meeting to finalize the 
     presentation to mayor & council was scheduled for 7/22 (as long as 
     the final plans are ready). Meeting date 8/10.
     Fundraising plans:
     Tom Bonnell & Don Londahl-Smidt to meet with Borough Administrator 
     to get list from tax rolls. Vicki. Slockbower & Irmgard Oelkers to 
     develop list of naming opportunities. Susan King to get Greater 
     Montvale Business Assoc. membership roster. Tom Bonnell to lead 
     fundraising planning. Opportunities discussed.

9/99 Set dates for presentations to specific community groups:
      1/25 for Montvale Business Assoc.
      10/7 for Historic Preservation Commission
      11/4 for Senior Club
      Early March for open public meeting.
     Board members given assignments to contact Pascack Hills PFA, Fire 
     Dept., MAL, and Community Relations people. Discussed meeting of 
     board members with Montvale School Board regarding
     fundraising tactics. Council liaison advised that Mayor & Council 
     would want a referendum for building/renovation.

10/99 Reviewed plans for presentation to seniors on 11/4.
      Decided to hold off till next meeting to set up special account for
      donations, even though one has already been received.
      Meeting date requested with PFA not confirmed.  Will reschedule 
      for next month.

10/7/99 Board was advised that Mayor began ruminations & discussions with 
        Park Ridge Mayor--after 9/16 hurricane--about possibilities of a 
        bi-borough library.

11/9/99 Mayor and Council passed resolution #177-99 Authorize Efficiency
        Development Incentive Agreement that allows for the investigation of 
        a possible joint library with the Borough of Park Ridge.

11/99  Date to meet with PFA will be cancelled. Fundraising efforts &
       plans put on hold. Board will recommend Jim Hecht for joint library 
       feasibility study. Questions unanswered at presentation to seniors 
       will be investigated & a reply sent.

12/28/99  Mayor and Council passed a resolution to authorize application to
          State for grant to fund space needs assessment and feasibility study 
          for joint library.  Also authorized expenditure of $10,000 ($5,000 
          each from Montvale and Park Ridge) to fund a study until grant is 
12/99  Update from Joint Library Study Committee:
        * Jim Hecht presented the committee with an explanation of space needs
          study & was requested to a proposal for the study as well as update 
          Montvale study.
        * Jim Hecht advised that he was available to do the study for $10,000.
       Montvale Board discussed:
        * Library staff's responses to patrons question on a joint library.  It 
          was agreed that they should say "they will go along with the wishes of 
          the community but,personally, they would like to stay here"
        * That the next library newsletter would mention that the Montvale expansion 
          plans are on hold, advise the community about the study & the possibility
          of a ballot question.
1/00  Update from Joint Library Study Committee: Montvale Mayor signed request 
      for grant money for study & contract with Jim Hecht for study & forwarded 
      them to Park Ridge for signature.

      Montvale Board discussed:
        * Possible sites for joint library. Agreed to provide a position paper 
          with their recommendations & concerns. 
        * Numerous patron comments. Will ask that they write to the Mayor & Council
        * November, 2000 Referendum: Suggested a bonding statement accompany the 
        * Status of our bequest.  At the attorney's suggestion, board president will 
          write to estate attorney.

2/00  Prepared a "fact sheet" on investigations on joint library.
      Agreed to submit letter with the "fact sheet" to Community Life
      No response to date on letter to Tegethoff estate attorney regarding bequest.
      If nothing is received by 3/2/2000 a follow up letter will be sent.

3/1/00  Board sends letter & fact sheet to Community Life.

3/00  A draft copy of the Space Needs & Feasibility Study for a Joint Library 
      Facility was distributed for review. Director requested that comments, 
      corrections or changes should be sent to her as soon as possible.

      A patron questionnaire for the joint library study that had been approved
      by Park Ridge was approved.
      The Tegethoff estate attorney's letter advised that if the gift it is to 
      be used for a joint library "the Joseph L. & Florence C. Tegethoff Memorial 
      Gift may very well require court approval."

      A Pascack Valley Library Regionalization Study is being sought.  The Director
      will attend any meetings & keep the board informed.

4/00  Out of the 350 patron surveys for the joint study 208 were returned & given
      to Jim Hecht. He plans to have the draft completed by 5/8/2000 instead of the
      requested 4/30 date.  The board agreed to be ready to review it as soon as 
      they have copies.
      The Director reported that the Pascack Valley Regionalization Study that was 
      started by several Pascack Valley library directors would have discussions 
      with the State Librarian.  The BCCLS Executive Board has not discussed it.

5/00  Some of the board's concerns on the feasibility study for a joint library 
      prepared by J. Hecht have been addressed.   They will review it again & give 
      their concerns. etc. to Joint Committee Montvale Project Leader, D. Londahl-
      Smidt for incorporation into it.

6/00  The Space Needs & Feasibility Study for a Joint Library Facility is ready 
      to be presented to the Joint Library Committee.  The Board asked the Director
      to get the patron surveys for review.
      The Director responded "yes" to the State Library's inquiry on whether we 
      are still planning to apply for construction funding under the newly approved

      Each library in the Pascack Valley Regional Library study is to get a draft of 
      their particular part for review & corrections before the final report is issued.

7/00  Board passed a motion that will be forward to the Mayor to proceed with 
      recommendations of feasibility study to purse a joint library with Park Ridge
        * Both communities are prepared to spend tax dollars not only to pay for the 
          construction of a joint library, but also to be willing to maintain funding 
          in the years ahead that will provide an adequate level of staff and material
          and assure continued success of the library's program of service.
        * The Civil Service question is resolved to our satisfaction (explanation: 
          Park Ridge's employees are Civil Service; Montvale's are not)
        * The joint library would be located at the expanded site of the existing 
          Montvale Library or another Montvale location.
        * The Tegethoff bequest is permitted to be used towards the cost of establishing 
          a joint library in Montvale.
        * That an architectural firm which specializes in public libraries evaluate 
          the selected space(s) to determine the suitability for use as a joint public
        * That an architectural firm which specializes in public libraries, be used to 
          develop the selected space for use as joint public library.

      The Board requested the joint library Project Leader, D. Londahl-Smidt remind 
      Montvale Mayor of need for a the public session & to find out if Park Ridge 
      wishes to continue pursuing a joint library.

      There was no update on the Pascack Valley Regional Library Study.

9/00  The lawyer of the owner of the building Montvale was pursuing for use as a 
      borough hall & the joint library has advised that the owner does not want to 
      negotiate a sale of the building.   No other affordable site is acceptable to 
      both towns at this time. It is too late to remove the joint library resolution
      from the ballots in Montvale & Park Ridge.
      If the ballot question is approved, law would dissolve the individual libraries
      & the library boards, and a joint library & board (with one library budget) 
      would be formed without a goal to moving together at one location.  It would be
      extremely difficult to manage.

      The Board will recommend that the Mayors issue letters to the communities asking 
      them to vote "NO" and include this in the public meeting set for October 26th after
      Jim Hecht presents his study to the communities.
10/00   The Board agreed that until there is a decision on bi-borough library there is 
        little planning that can be done.
11/00   Both Park Ridge & Montvale voted down the bi-borough library, as recommended
        by the Mayors & Councils and Library Boards of both boroughs due to the fact
        that the selected site is no longer available.  A representative from the 
        Montvale Library Board will informally ask the Park Ridge Library Board if 
        they would be interested in a bi-borough library at our current site.
        As soon as that is determined we will begin plans for application for the NJ 
        Construction Bond Fund Grant.

12/00   There was no response from Park Ridge on a bi-borough library at another 
        location. It was agreed to hire a consultant to revise and update the 
        Library building program which will be needed to apply for the Construction
        Bond Fund Grant and to assist with the application.  If another existing site
        for the Municipal facilities & the Library is located, the board needs to 
        inspect it to determine adaptability for library purposes. 
        In any facility outside access to meeting rooms & rest rooms would be needed
        to encourage and support broader use of library facilities.

1/01  The Borough located another site - the former Wella Building on the corner of 
      Mercedes Drive and Philips Parkway to house the Library, the Borough Hall and
      the Police Department.  The board inspected the building & found it acceptable.
      A motion (detailing the circumstances) was made & carried to release some of the 
      Tegethoff Bequest to cover the library's initial payment for the building. 
      Council liaison informed the Board on the status of the building purchase 
      including the formation of a steering committee & that the contract to purchase
      was in the hands of the seller's head office.

      The proposal from Jim Hecht to revise the Building Program & to assist with the 
      application for the Construction Grant Funds was discussed & it was agreed to 
      hire him.

2/01  No meeting due to weather conditions.

3/01  The date of March 30th was set for Jim Hecht to meet with the library staff to 
      begin updating the building program as needed for the Construction Grant.

      The purchase of the Wella Building is awaiting acceptance from the seller's 
      head office.

4/01  A draft of the revised building program was distributed for review by the Board.

      A steering committee is reviewing architects.

      The Board will turn over to the Borough $532,146.07 from the Tegethoff bequest
      & our building fund upon receipt of the proper authorization request & after 
      the purchase of the building.

5/01  The draft of the revised building program was discussed & revisions recommended.
      Mayor & Council selected the Goldstein Partnership for the architectural firm 
      out of the 3 that submitted proposals.

      The building program will be given to Goldstein when it is completed.  The 
      Board wants to meet with them as well to be sure they understand the functions
      & needs of the library. The Board will visit other libraries done by Goldstein.

      A schematic drawing of the new space is needed to submit the grant application.
      It is estimated that the most we could get from the grant would be $450,000.

      The closing date on the building is scheduled for June 15th. It was postponed 
      due to additional inspections. The $532.146.07 will be given to the Borough 
      after the closing.

6/01  The revised building program was discussed as the architect questioned the square 

      Library Director met with Goldstein Partnership who advised that the information 
      from them for the grant will be received by July 23rd.

      The closing date for the building was June 20, 2001.

      The Board passed a resolution agreeing to apply for the Construction Grant 

7/01  The grant application was submitted.  The Board expressed its appreciation 
      for the outstanding job done by the Director in getting this major work effort
      completed on time, working against a very challenging schedule and during a 
      period of significant staff shortages.

      Criteria for selection of furniture and fixtures were discussed with every 
      effort to be made to reuse current furniture where possible but in non-public 
      places.  As meetings with companies & designers are set up, Board members will 
      be invited.

      The balance of the funds was transferred to the borough hall.
11/01   Director advised that the NJ Legislative committee approved the recommendation
        for the construction bond awards.

        A conference on telecommunication needs was held with director, Goldstein Partnership,
        and Robert White (Executive Director of BCCCLS) to discuss wiring needs.

        The Board established a list of questions and concerns to discuss at the next 
        meeting with Goldstein Partnership.  This included placement of wind bracing, 
        the need for additional blinds, interior decorating and heat and air conditioning 

12/01   It was agreed that the Director and some members of the Board would attend a BCCLS
        workshop in building new libraries at the Suffern Library.

        Bids for the destruction of parts of the building are due 1/1-/02.

        The Director will schedule a meeting with the architect to discuss lighting and 
        ceiling heights.

        Some of the blinds in the building will be cleaned & reused.  $10,000 is being set
        aside for the additional window treatments.

1/02    Director and Board Members reported on the BCCLS Workshop.  Discussed was the 
        need to hire professional library movers for cost and ease of moving.

        Director and other Board Members visited other libraries and brought back pictures
        of different styles of lighting and furniture.

        Director advised she received a letter dated 1/22 from the NJ State Library that
        even though the Library Grant was for $400,032 we may not be getting that much. 
        However all efforts are being done for amounts to remain at the level for which 
        they were approved.

        Director provided letter from Goldstein Partnership regarding minor changes in the
        library.  There were no objections.

        Council Liaison advised that the contractor for Phase One (demolition and structural
        enhancement) has been selected.

2/02    Construction grant money will not be given out till construction contract is signed.
        Board is waiting for copy of updated floor plan.
        Architect, Eli Goldstein had advised Director that they have an in-house interior
        decorator.  Director provided him with pictures from other libraries that Board likes.
        Interior demolition of building has started.
        Professional library movers recommended by Suffern have not returned calls.
        Director set up meeting with state contract furniture representative for 3/8/03.
        Discussions included fund raising.  The next newsletter will mention the new 
        library and the need for people to get involved.

3/02    Discussion included items to be addressed at new meeting with Eli Goldstein.
        This included flexibility for telecommunications in the future, the need for him
        to visit the current library again and a request for a clear definition of the 
        “interior design” function to be provided.

        The demolition of building parts is on schedule and perhaps a bit early.
        One of the state furniture representatives suggested visiting another library 
        in Island Park, NY.

4/02    The sketches for the kitchen area in the Staff/Board meeting room were not adequate
        for the refrigerator (small below counter vs. regular size) and stove (2 burner 
        vs. 4 burner).  Council liaison will work with Director to provide adequate plan
        to Goldstein Partnership.

        A list of tasks to be completed by the architect was discussed.  This included 
        manual fin dampers, window treatment, parking lot and electrical outlets, lighting
        in lavatories, emergency lighting, movers and interior decorating (color scheme)
        A tour of the building was set for 4/29.

        Additional discussions included walls in entrance, circulation desk and the AV Area.

        The Board agreed that on the Municipal Complex sign the library could be identified 
        as Public Library but that at the entrance to the Library it would read

5/02    The list of building requirements for review was updated and is ready for Goldstein
        Partnership.  The need for a meeting with architect and his design staff was again

        Council Liaison advised that a suitable unit for the refrigerator/stove and cabinetry
        has been located.  He also advised that the site plan had been reviewed and additional
        parking spaces added.

        Director and Board Members that attended a BCCLS library construction meeting on
        Fundraising at Ridgewood Library reported on the procedures discussed.  This 
        included surveys, focus groups, study of demographics, naming opportunities, source
        of donations from individuals being greater than from corporations and the need 
        for a Steering Committee to handle the fund raising.

        Director and Board Members set up visit to Kinnelon Library whose interior was done
        by Stewart Fife of Library Interiors.  

 6/02   Requests/requirements list for new building updated.  
        Package for phase II bidding for constructions will be opened 7/16.

        Director and Board Members that visited Kinnelon recommended that Stewart Fife
        be considered for the furniture.

        The architect has not provided a date to meet with him and the designer.

7/02    Council Liaison advised that the contract for Phase II should be awarded by 
        July 30th.

        He also showed videotapes of construction at the building including placement
        of the wind bracing.

        Council Liaison has negotiated to have the current pay phone kept at the current
        building without cost provided that at the new location the phone will be in the
        main lobby – not the library.

        The Board has been interviewing state contracted furniture suppliers. The Board 
        agreed to award the contract to Stewart Fife of Library Interiors.
        The Board again discussed that a date to meet with the architect and the 
        designer has not been provided by the architect.  Council Liaison will advise 
        Eli Golstein at the next Steering Committee meeting.

8/02    Architect Eli Goldstein attended Board meeting and advised construction is 
        tentatively scheduled to start 8/26/02 with completion projected to be 5/1/03.
        Stewart Fife also attended the meeting.  He advised that based on this we need to 
        order furniture by mid-January.

        Eli Goldstein discussed with the Director and Board lighting, light fixtures, 
        ceiling heights and textured ceilings, vertical blinds, stacks, flooring, vinyl
        tile and carpeting.  He advised that the whole building cannot have more than 4 
        different carpets.

        The Board advised that they wanted a warm and friendly look to the library.  
        Architect and furniture supplier advised that this should start with the wood tone
        and that the Board should keep in mind that the design should be simple, we are 
        going to see a lot of wood, and the upholstery color is going to be a critical 
        part of the palette.
        A date (9/13/02) was set to meet with Stewart Fife and the Board to look at 
        furniture styles and wood.
9/02    Council Liaison advised that Mayor and Council had passed the resolution 
        required by the State Library reaffirming the cost of the library project and that
        the funding is available to cover the entire cost.
        He also advised that the contractor is allowed 240 days for Phase II completion.
        Council Liaison provided a video of the office furniture (from a defunct company) 
        that the borough has purchased.
        Meetings continue with Stewart Fife.

        The Board agreed to save the current Montvale Library letters but there was no 
        suggestion on what to do with them.

10/02   Additional forms had to be filled out for the Construction Grant.  An appeal has 
        been filed.  The final decision is expected by 10/21/02 and if it goes well and 
        the bonds will get sold the money will be ready by November or December.

        Council Liaison advised that the Phase II contractor is on the job and in the 
        process of submitting drawings.

        The Board and Director met with Stewart Fife in the continuation of color and 
        furniture selections.

        Since we are now going to be located nearer to the business community it was 
        suggested that our Reference Librarian send out letters to them advising of our 
        move and asking for any special needs they may have.

        The placement of the current building plaque and the honoring of Mrs. Tegethoff 
        was discussed.
11/02   No news on the Construction Grant. If it all goes through the bonds should be sold
        this month. 

        Meetings with Stewart Fife and selection of wood, carpet etc. are continuing.
        We are waiting for the architect to advise tiles available for the Children's
        Activity room.

12/02   The Construction Grant bond was issued. We should have the 1st payment 2 weeks 
        after the application is received and reviewed.

        Meetings continue with Stewart Fife including the discussion on fabrics.

        Concern included the need for interior designer/decorator to assign with the 
        selection of fabric etc.
        Prior to the Board meeting the Board met with the Contractor who advised that
        the contract must be finished by May but we will be moving in August.  Goldstein's
        project manager wants all decisions on colors and tiles by Jan 15th.   

        It was agreed that the Director would advise the architect again on the selections
        for paint and the color tile and what we would like after we see what is available.
        Also she will advise of the need for design assistance.

        Director attended groundbreaking ceremony.

1/03    No discussions on building progress were included at the meeting.

2/03    Eli Goldstein attended and presented a color palette.  He advised that the 
        carpet we selected somewhat limited the colors for the rest of the building since 
        the library is the largest carpeted area in the building.  He suggested another 
        carpet that the board liked (After the meeting it was determined that that color
        had been discontinued). He also provided color tiles and suggestions for accent
        colors and paint chips.  The Board agreed to consider his suggestions.

3/03    Authorization for receipt of the second payment of the construction grant was
    signed by the Board so that upon receipt of the information from the architect, it
    can be submitted.

    The Director is continuing to work with the office furniture representative as well
    as with Stewart Fife regarding the library furniture.  They continue to look for 
    options to conceal the wind bracing.

    Fund-raising and naming opportunities were discussed.

    To acknowledge the large bequest from Mrs. Tegethoff, strong consideration was
    given to an outside reading garden.

4/03    The submission for the second payment on the construction grant is waiting for
    paperwork from the architect.

    Issues regarding the ordering of the library furniture through the State contract
    arose.  To resolve, a meeting will be held with the architect, Stewart Fife, the
    Borough Administrator Jack Doyle, and the Board to establish a plan.

    At the request for the architect's staff, the Board decided on 2-square ceiling
    tiles rather than 8-squares.

    Fund-raising and naming opportunities were discussed.

5/03    Paperwork was received from the architect and the paperwork will now be submitted
    for the second payment of the grant.

    Members of the Board have been visiting the new Library.

    The furniture was able to be ordered by State contract with a three-month delivery 
    time, so it is due at the end of August or early September.

    The Board was advised that the building will be completed in July 2003.

    Ceiling tiles need to have the grids line up so there will be 8 in the 2 x 4.

    Shelving has not gone out to bid but the specs have been completed.

    In preparation for the move, the Director is disposing of old files in accordance
    with the Records Retention Form from the State.

    It was agreed that we will close for two weeks while we move.  As required by 
    BCCLS, a "home library" for the patrons will be designated.

6/03    Members continue to visit the construction site and the completion date is set for
    mid July.

    Public area furniture is due by September 9th.

    Shelving is scheduled for delivery and installation at the end of August.

    The Director is awaiting information of the office furniture proposal.  The order
    is to be placed by the end of June.  Chair color options will be shown to the

    Discussion included covering the column that will be in the middle of the
    Circulation Desk.

    The move to the new building will need to go out for bid.  The Board stressed
    that a "library mover" be used.

    The Coordinator of Children's Services has been trying unsuccessfully to get 
    information from Barnes & Noble on the storybook figures for decoration on the wind
    bracing.  She will continue to follow up.

7/03    The shelving is now scheduled for delivery the last week in August.  The crew will
    install this followed by the furniture installation.  The office furniture is due
    August 11th.

    The ceiling lights have been installed.

    The Director will meet with Borough Administrator Jack Doyle to work on the
    specifications for the moving bid.

    Still to be investigated is the availability of figures for the wind bracing from
    Barnes & Noble and the cladding of the pillar at the Circulation Desk.  Stewart 
    Fife advised he would prefer to wait till the desk is in to finalize the size
    of the cladding.

    The Library will request a separate address for the receipt of mail so it does
    not get mixed with that of the Police and Borough.

    Revising the Library logo was discussed.

    The Board approved purchasing our own new photocopier.

8/03    Tentative dates for the final installation of the furniture, the phone, the bids
    on the move and the moving dates (September 4th to October 31st) were established.

    To date we have enough funds to cover the planned purchases by the Library.

    A meeting with Wolfgang Vogt took place prior to the Board meeting to discuss the
    Tegethoff Memorial Reading Garden outside the Children's area of the Library.

    The Board discussed an open house for introducing the new Library to borough

9/03    The walk-through is scheduled for October 7th.

    The shelves are up.  The end pieces will follow.  The furniture will be delivered 
    October 6th.

    Director and Coordinator of Children's Services selected tables and stacking chairs
    for the Children's Activity Room.

    The moving bids are in and the award will be made September 30th, with moving to
    start October 20th.

    The Library will closed from October 20th through November 8th.

    The Tegethoff Memorial Garden will consist of a 16-inch wall that people can sit on.
    The landscaping and planting will be done in the spring.

    Some temporary solutions, using a puppet tree, will be used on the wind bracing
    in the Children's Activity Room.

    The new photocopier has been delivered and is providing good quality copies.

    The contract was approved for the purchase of the new microfilm/fiche

    The Library will hold an Open House on November 9th (the first day we will be open)
    from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m., with light refreshements.

10/03    The move has started (October 21st). 

    Lounge chairs and benches are due October 28th.

    Phones are scheduled for November 6th.

    Computers are coming October 27th.

    "Getting to Know Your Library" has been advertised for November 9th.  Board members
    will be present to greet and hand out maps of the new library.  Friends of the 
    Library will also be present.

11/9/2003 We opened - COME AND SEE US!

Last updated June 30, 2017
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