12 DePiero Drive
Suite 100
Montvale, NJ 07645
(201) 391-5090
Mon - Thu: 10 AM - 9 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Closed Sunday
Inclement Weather/ Closing Policy
.."In case of extreme weather conditions, the Library will close early--or not open at all--if the Director and the Board President consider an early closing or full-day closing necessary for the safety of the Library staff."
If you are not sure whether or not the Library is open, please telephone us at
We are currently unable to set an emergency closing notice for the telephone, so if you hear our regular off-hours message during a time when the Library is normally open or if the phone just rings and there is no answer, it means that we have closed due to hazardous weather conditions or other emergencies.
Any closing will also be posted on the library website home page, Facebook, and Instagram as well as the BCCLS website.
We will also email anyone on the Library's listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserve please email movlcirc@bccls.org with your name, email address and add library listserv to the subject line.
Weather-related and emergency closings are also posted on the BCCLS website at bccls.org.